There are an overwhelming number of apple varieties at the store. Which is best for juicing? Whether you want to make homemade apple juice or a blend of vegetable and apple juice, this article will share which are the best apples for juicing.

A juicer next to a bowl of red and green apples.

Apple juice is a sweet treat that also has tons of nutritional value. This refreshing beverage appeals to young and old and comes in various flavor profiles, depending on the apples used for juicing (see my article comparing apple juice versus orange juice).

There are so many exciting varieties of apples! Apples are grown across North America and the United States, plus many are imported now from countries like New Zealand.

Some different apple varieties are sweet and juicy, some crisp and tart, and others have more complex flavor profiles. But no matter which one gets your tastebuds tingling, all apples can make great apple juice or green juice. 

If you’re wondering how to choose the best apples for juicing, this article will tell you why you should skip commercial apple juice and choose fresh-pressed apple juice instead.

It will also give you some insights on which types of apples you should use for juicing and answer some frequently asked questions about juicing apples. 

Not All Apple Juice is Equal

Not everyone knows that the typical, sweet, amber-colored drink served in juice boxes is not the only type of apple juice available. This commercially produced apple juice does not contain a lot of nutrition. It is usually over-processed and contains far too much sugar. 

Although processed apple juice has its merits (such as being convenient and cheap), fresh-pressed apple juice is superior in most all ways.

It’s not as processed, so it has tons more nutrients than commercial apple juice, especially if you make it at home. All you need to get fresh-pressed apple juice at home is a little time, a juicer, and some perfectly ripe apples.

Once you’ve tried it this way, you’ll never be satisfied with store-bought apple juice again. So, if you have the time and the juicer, your next step is getting the right apple to make your own apple juice. 

A tall glass of green apple juice with a straw.

Which Apples Are The Best For Juicing?

Each type of apple has a unique flavor, texture, and various levels of sweetness. It’s best to eat some apples as they are, while others work well for applesauce or for baking.

For juicing, here are some of my favorite apples to make the best juice.

1. Granny Smith Apples

These bright green apples have firm flesh, thick skin, and intense apple flavor! They are so crisp and tart that your mouth may pucker when you take the first bite.

Granny Smith apples make the most refreshing juice of all, but it will be a little tart for some tastebuds. Juice it together with some extra sweet apples, and you’ll have some of the best juicing apples.

While green apples are known for being a bit tart, they work perfectly for juicing as they don’t have a high sugar content.

2. Golden Delicious Apples

The bright yellow skin on the Golden Delicious suits this apple’s rich and sweet fruity flavor. They are also known as Yellow Delicious apples at the grocery store.

The texture is soft, and the taste is deep, making it an excellent apple for juicing. 

3. Gala Apples

When you get an extra fresh Gala apple, the taste is a little more distinctive, but they generally have a mild fruity flavor.

These apples have a crisp texture and are relatively small, so you’ll have to juice more of them for the same results. They are one of the sweeter apples, but also have a well-balanced acidity. They’re also easy to find and inexpensive. 

4. Fuji Apples

The robust flavor of Fuji apples makes them great for juicing! They have a fine-grained and firm texture and store really well, so feel free to stock up.

You can combine Fuji apples with others, but they’re so nicely balanced and flavorful that they make delicious juice on their own as well. 

For a sweet juice, Fuji apples are my personal favorite and I use them often in my homemade fruit juice recipes.

5. Pink Lady Apples

These apples are relatively new to the general market and are some of the most flavorful. They have beautiful pink skin, white flesh, and a complex flavor.

Pink Lady apples are sweet and tart and make a delicious and well-balanced juice. 

6. Honeycrisp Apples

If you like the idea of your apples tasting a little like honey, you’ll be happy to know that Honeycrisp apples have a distinct honey-like flavor. They have just enough acidity to balance the rich sweetness and are so crispy that they’re almost crunchy!

You can add Honeycrisp apples to any juice or use them alone for that distinctive flavor. They have a slightly tart flavor balanced with a sweet taste.

7. Red Delicious Apples

The Red Delicious apple has a lovely deep red color and a mild, classic apple flavor. It’s simple, refreshing, and sweet with just a hint of tartness.

These red apples are very common which makes them a good apple for the juicing process.

This apple is a little mealy if you eat it, so it’s better to juice it. 

Bonus Recommendations

There are hundreds of specialty apple varieties available these days. It is unlikely that any of them won’t be appropriate for juicing.

The only thing you might want to take into account is expense. By juicing an apple, you won’t be enjoying the fiber or “wholeness” of the apple. So, you might want to save the expensive heirloom apples for eating out of hand or using in recipes like an apple crisp.

Two short glasses of light green apple celery juice.

Combining Apples For Flavor and Balance

One of the best things about fresh-pressed apple juice is the delicate balance between sweet and tart flavors. How much of each is needed is up to you. Some people enjoy tart and refreshing apple juice, while others enjoy slightly sweeter juice. 

You can experiment with different apples or try Fuji apples on their own for a well-balanced juice. I love combining Granny Smith, Gala, and Red Delicious in equal portions to get just the right amount of sweetness and tartness in my apple juice.

Which Apples to Avoid

You should never juice rotten or mildewed apples, as the bacteria may transfer into the juice.

You may also wish to avoid the expensive heirloom apples as the juicing process removes the fiber and some of the flavor.

Other than those two caveats, there aren’t necessarily specific varieties of apples that can’t be juices. Just pick your favorites and start juicing.

Are you ready to start juicing apples!? Here are answers to some FAQs you may have.

Apple Juicing FAQs

How do I know how many apples I should use for juice?

For a cup of juice, you’ll need around three medium-sized apples. For a quart of juice, you’ll need 10 to 20 apples. Most apples can produce around a quarter to half a cup of juice.

Can I add other fruit or veggies to apple juice?

Fresh apple juice is delicious on its own, but you can add other juices for new flavor combinations and nutritional value. Apple and carrot juice are always winners when you combine them, but you can add any other fruits or veggies you enjoy. 

Apple juice is also great in smoothies as a natural sweetener, or you can dilute it with a splash of sparkling water. If you like the idea of using an apple in a smoothie, try this super nutritious Apple Banana Spinach Smoothie recipe.

Is apple juice meant to be cold or warm?

Both! You can enjoy a refreshing and icy cold glass of apple juice to cool down in summer or have a cup of warm apple juice on a cold day. I love making spiced apple cider by warming the juice up with cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, allspice, and slices of orange. It’s delicious!

Can I juice the whole apple?

Yes, but some people prefer not to because of the seeds, especially when juicing for small children or people with sensitive digestive systems. Although you’d have to eat more than a hundred apple seeds for it to be a risk, the seeds contain a tiny amount of Amygdalin that is toxic to the digestive system. 

The healthiest way to juice apples is to core them but leave the skin on. Most of the apple’s quercetin content is in the peel, and studies show that this flavonoid can help fight the effects of colon cancer!

A short glass of freshly squeezed apple juice in front of whole apples.

Apple Juice Benefits 

If you haven’t tried freshly juiced apples, you’re in for a treat. It’s a far more flavorful drink than regular, overly processed apple juice.

Not to mention the many amazing health benefits to this refreshing drink! 


I hope this article gave you some great ideas for which apples to juice to make homemade apple juice. The varieties listed in this article are tried and true winners for making a juice that is tasty and nutritious. 

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About the Author: Carrie Forrest has a master’s degree in public health with a specialty in nutrition. She is a top wellness and food blogger with nearly 10 million annual visitors to her site. Carrie has an incredible story of recovery from chronic illness and is passionate about helping other women transform their health. Send Carrie a message through her contact form.

Note: this post is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Please consult your healthcare provider for recommendations related to your individual situation.