This creamy and satisfying Instant Pot Cauliflower Soup is a family favorite. It’s a dairy-free recipe full of rich flavor and perfect for a cold day. Gluten-free and Whole30.

cauliflower soup served in a black bowl.

The ease of the Instant Pot makes cooking soup a snap! Once the weather turns cold it’s officially soup weather – the cozier the better. Full-fat coconut milk makes this cauliflower soup rich and creamy without the need for dairy. It’s one of my favorite ways to add creaminess to a dish.

If you haven’t used your pressure cooker yet, fall/winter is the season to do it. You can make almost anything in it including muffins and popcorn. It really is that versatile. But in my opinion it’s the best at making cozy and comforting dishes like soup or stew.

Why You Need This Recipe

  • It’s gluten-free, dairy-free, and Whole30. It’s also low-carb and would make a great addition to a keto or low carb diet plan!
  • This cauliflower soup is creamy and flavorful without any dairy.
  • I can’t say it enough how easy the electric pressure cooker makes a recipe. Just dump in your ingredients and let it cook then add coconut milk and blend. See all of my healthy Instant Pot soup recipes.

Key Ingredients

ingredients for cauliflower soup.

Cauliflower – Cauliflower has a mild flavor and smooth texture once cooked which makes it great for soups. It’s also low in carbs unlike white potatoes. You can buy pre-cut and pre-washed cauliflower florets to make your life easier.

Onion & garlic – Onions and garlic add depth of flavor to the soup. Garlic has a mellow, nutty flavor once cooked while onions have a natural sweet element to them.

Chicken broth – Chicken broth can be very high in sodium so I like to purchase reduced-sodium broth. You can also use vegetable stock to make this vegetarian and vegan.

Coconut milk – Buy the coconut milk in the can because it’s much thicker and richer than the carton. If you want to cut back on the richness some you can purchase lite coconut milk. The coconut milk replaces heavy cream, cream cheese, and sour cream that if often used in dairy-based soups.

Scallions & bacon – These are optional but toppings are always recommended! You could also top with hot sauce, croutons, or pesto. If it sounds good to you then go for it! For vegan diets, you can use tempeh bacon, coconut bacon, or just leave it off.

Recipe Steps

how to make cauliflower soup in the instant pot.

Step One

Combine the cauliflower, onion, garlic, and broth in the base of a 6-quart Instant Pot.

Please see the recipe card at the end of this post for the exact ingredients and measurements.

Step Two

Lock on the lid and set the time to 5 minutes at high pressure. Once the cooking time is up let the pressure come down naturally for 5 minutes then quick release any remaining pressure.

Step Three

Add the coconut milk and seasonings then blend the soup until smooth and creamy. You can use an immersion blender or a regular blender or food processor; just be careful when you blend or transfer the hot soup.

Step Four

Enjoy immediately. Top each bowl with crumbled bacon and chopped green onions, if you like.

instant pot cauliflower soup in pot.

Recipe Tips & Substitutions

  • The cook time for this creamy soup recipe includes time for the Instant Pot to come to pressure, plus the natural release time.
  • If you want a lighter soup option with less fat, feel free to replace the full-fat coconut milk with light coconut milk or even unsweetened almond milk.
  • If you aren’t dairy-free, you can replace the coconut milk with full-fat milk. Top the soup with shredded cheddar cheese, if desired.
  • VEGAN OPTION: replace the chicken broth with vegetable broth and leave off the bacon.
  • Refrigerate any leftovers in an airtight container for up to 4 days. Reheat before serving.

Recipe FAQs

Is cauliflower low-carb?

Yes! One 100 gram serving of raw cauliflower has only 5 grams of carbs. To put it in perspective one 100 gram serving of white potatoes has around 20 grams of carbs.

What can I serve with cauliflower soup?

This soup is amazing on it’s own but you could also top it with shredded meat for additional protein. It would also be great alongside a mixed green salad, garlic bread, or sweet potato chips.

bowl of cauliflower soup next to an instant pot.

More Instant Pot Recipes You Might Like

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instant pot cauliflower soup

Instant Pot Cauliflower Soup (Dairy-Free)

This creamy and satisfying Instant Pot Cauliflower Soup is a family favorite. It’s a dairy-free recipe full of rich flavor and perfect for a cold day. Gluten-free and Whole30.

  • Total Time: 40 minutes
  • Yield: 4 1x


Units Scale
  • 1 large head of cauliflower, broken into florets (about 56 cups)
  • 1/2 onion, chopped
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 2 cups reduced-sodium chicken broth (for vegan or vegetarian, use vegetable broth)
  • 1 13.5ounce can full-fat coconut milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 3 scallions, chopped
  • 3 slices cooked bacon, crumbled (omit for vegan)


  1. Combine the cauliflower florets, onion, garlic, and broth in the base of a 6-quart Instant Pot.
  2. Lock on the lid and set the time to 5 minutes at high pressure.
  3. When the cook time is up, let the pressure come down naturally for 5 minutes, then quick release any remaining pressure.
  4. Remove the lid. Add the coconut milk, salt, and pepper. Then, use a hand immersion blender to blend the soup to a smooth consistency. If you don’t have a hand immersion blender, you can carefully transfer the soup to a blender. Blend the soup until it is smooth (note: always be extra careful when blending hot liquids. Put a towel over the top of the blender in case any hot liquids escape).
  5. Serve immediately. Top each serving with the scallions and bacon crumbles.


  1. The cook time for this recipe includes time for the Instant Pot to come to pressure, plus the natural release time.
  2. If you want a lighter soup option with less fat, feel free to replace the full-fat coconut milk with light coconut milk or even unsweetened almond milk.
  3. If you aren’t dairy-free, you can replace the coconut milk with full-fat milk. Top the soup with shredded cheddar cheese, if desired.
  4. VEGAN OPTION: replace the chicken broth with vegetable broth and leave off the bacon.
  5. Refrigerate any leftovers in an airtight container for up to 4 days. Reheat before serving.
  • Author: Carolyn T
  • Prep Time: 15 minutes
  • Cook Time: 5 minutes
  • Category: Soup
  • Method: Instant Pot
  • Cuisine: American
  • Diet: Vegetarian


  • Serving Size:
  • Calories: 349
  • Sugar: 5.5 g
  • Sodium: 493.4 mg
  • Fat: 29.4 g
  • Saturated Fat: 21.2 g
  • Carbohydrates: 16.6 g
  • Fiber: 4.7 g
  • Protein: 10.6 g
  • Cholesterol: 13.9 mg

Keywords: instant pot cauliflower soup coconut milk, instant pot cauliflower soup recipe, instant pot cauliflower soup vegan

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